XCScanner SDK User Guide ------------------------ Change log ============ +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Version | Date | Changes | +===========+==============+====================================================================+ | 1.0.0 | 2023/02/03 | Basic scan result callback and settings. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.3 | 2023/02/12 | Add API. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.4 | 2023/02/27 | Add suspend and resume API. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.6 | 2023/03/09 | Add version info, loopscan, multibarcodes and precise scan | | | | about API. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.7 | 2023/03/10 | Add API to support config aimer and illume light work mode. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.8 | 2023/03/13 | Fixed SDK version in docs. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.9 | 2023/03/14 | Add API to support license active and license state query. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.0 | 2023/03/15 | Add API to support get scan service status. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.2 | 2023/04/03 | Add API to support get the latest decode image. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.3 | 2023/04/11 | Add API to support set suffix2 and prefix2. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.8 | 2024/05/16 | Add API to support set custom BroadcastReceiver, | | | | | | | | Disable/Enable Scan button, Export/Import configuration file, | | | | | | | | Configure barcode output failure event notification, | | | | | | | | Configure flash brightness. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.9 | 2024/08/26 | Add API to support set/get properties | | | | | | | | for the EAN13/Matrix25/UPCA symbology. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.10 | 2024/09/24 | Add API to support set/get properties for the scan trigger mode. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.11 | 2024/10/10 | Add API to support set/get properties for the | | | | | | | | Code39/DATAMATRIX/EAN8 symbology. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.12 | 2024/10/17 | Add API to support set/get properties for the | | | | | | | | code11/coded49/code93/code128/codeabar symbology. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.13 | 2024/10/18 | Add API to support set/get properties for the | | | | | | | | GS1-128/GS1-DATABAR/ITF25/MSI/QRCode/UPCE symbology. | +-----------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Config Maven ============ Config Maven. .. code-block:: groovy maven { allowInsecureProtocol = true url "" } .. note:: Maven is configuared in *build.gradle* usually, but also maybe in your *settings.gradle*. Config Dependencies =================== Config your project build.gradle, as following example: .. code-block:: groovy implementation('com.xcheng:scanner:1.1.13') It is recommended to use the latest version of SDK. Basic function -------------- SDK initialize ============== After init SDK, you can use scan function provided by scan service via APIs.Currently, there are two ways to initialize SDK: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.init(Context context, ScannerResult scannerResult) XcBarcodeScanner.init(Context context, ScannerSymResult scannerSymResult) Callback interface: .. code:: java public interface ScannerResult { void onResult(String result); } public interface ScannerSymResult { void onResult(String sym, String barCode); } After init SDK, your application will connect with scan service, and the scan result will be output via the ScannerResult/ScannerSymResult callback. Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.init(this, new ScannerResult() { @Override public void onResult(String result) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { allResult = allResult + "\n" + result; mTextResult.setText(allResult); scrollToBottom(); } }); } }); XcBarcodeScanner.init(this, new ScannerSymResult() { @Override public void onResult(String sym, String barCode) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { allResult = allResult + "\n" + sym + ":" + barCode; mTextResult.setText(allResult); scrollToBottom(); } }); } }); SDK deinitialize ================ When the activity been destroied or switched to background, we need de-initialize the SDK. Sample code: .. code:: java @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); XcBarcodeScanner.deInit(this); } Query license status ==================== Use the following API to query license status. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.getLicenseState(); All license status defined in the class *LicenseState*: .. code:: java public class LicenseState { // License not actived. public static final int INACTIVE = 0; // License is activating. public static final int ACTIVATING = 1; // License already actived. public static final int ACTIVED = 2; // License invalid, contact vendor. public static final int INVALID = 3; // Network issue, connet before active license. public static final int NETWORK_ISSUE = 4; // License expired, contact vendor. public static final int EXPIRED = 5; } Active license ============== Use the following API to active license if needed. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.activateLicense(); After active license, it need about 1 or 2 minutes to process. We can use the API *getLicenseState* to query license status. .. note:: Active license need network connection. Start/Stop scanning =================== Use the following API to control scan service to start or stop scanning. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.startScan(); XcBarcodeScanner.stopScan(); Suspend/Resume scan service =========================== Use the following API to suspend or resume scan service. After suspend, any API to control scan start or stop will be bypassed, and camera resource will be released by scan service. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.suspendScanService(); XcBarcodeScanner.resumeScanService(); Get scan service status ======================= Use the following API to check current scan service status. .. code:: java boolean isScanServiceSuspending(); Get version of scan service =========================== Refer to the following sample code to get version info of scan service. .. code:: java String serviceVer = XcBarcodeScanner.getServiceVersion(); Log.d(TAG, "Service ver: " + serviceVer); Get version of SDK ================== Refer to the following sample code to get current scanner SDK version. .. code:: java String sdkVer = XcBarcodeScanner.getSdkVersion(); Log.d(TAG, "SDK ver: " + sdkVer); Get the device serial number ============================ .. code:: java public static String getDeviceSN(){ String serial = null; try { Class c =Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties"); Method get =c.getMethod("get", String.class); serial = (String)get.invoke(c, "ro.serialno"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return serial; } Advanced function ----------------- Enable/disable specific barcode support ======================================= Use the following API to enable or disable specific type of barcode support. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.enableBarcodeType(String barcodeType, boolean enabled); All barcode types defined in the class BarcodeType. .. code:: java public class BarcodeType { public static final String AZTEC = "Aztec"; public static final String CODE11 = "Code11"; public static final String CODE39 = "Code39"; public static final String CODE93 = "Code93"; public static final String CODE128 = "Code128"; public static final String CODABAR = "Codabar"; public static final String DOTCODE = "Dotcode"; public static final String CODABLOCKF = "CODABLOCK F"; public static final String DATAMATRIX = "DATAMATRIX"; public static final String GS1_DATAMATRIX = "GS1DATAMATRIX"; public static final String EAN8 = "EAN-8"; public static final String EAN13 = "EAN-13"; public static final String GS1_DATABAR = "GS1_DATABAR"; public static final String HANXIN = "HANXIN"; public static final String HK25 = "HK25"; public static final String ITF25 = "ITF25"; public static final String MATRIX25 = "MATRIX25"; public static final String MAXICODE = "MAXICODE"; public static final String MSI = "MSI"; public static final String MICROPDF = "MICROPDF"; public static final String PDF417 = "PDF417"; public static final String USPS4ST = "USPS4ST"; public static final String QRCODE = "QRCODE"; public static final String INDUSTRIAL25 = "INDUSTRIAL25"; public static final String TELEPEN = "TELEPEN"; public static final String UPCA = "UPC-A"; public static final String UPCE = "UPC-E"; public static final String GS1_128 = "GS1-128"; public static final String GS1_DATABAR_LIMITED = "GS1_DataBarLimited"; public static final String GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED = "GS1_DataBarExpanded"; public static final String IATA25 = "IATA25"; public static final String GRIDMATRIX = "Grid_Matrix"; } Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.enableBarcodeType(BarcodeType.QRCODE, true); // Enable QRCode support. XcBarcodeScanner.enableBarcodeType(BarcodeType.QRCODE, false);// Disable QRCode support. Check specific type of barcode support status ============================================= All barcode types defined in the class BarcodeType. .. code:: java boolean isBarcodeTypeEnabled(String type) Config output method ==================== Use the following API to config scan result output method. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setOutputMethod(String method); All output method defined in the class OutputMethod. .. code:: java public class OutputMethod { // No putput, application can get barcode data via callback. public static final String NONE = "NONE"; // Output barcode data via broadcast. public static final String BROADCAST = "BROADCAST_EVENT"; // Output barcode data via keyboard simulate. public static final String KEYBOARD = "KEYBOARD_EVENT"; // Output barcode data via clipboard simulate. public static final String CLIPBOARD = "CLIPBOARD_EVENT"; // Output barcode data via broadcast and keyboard simulate. public static final String BROADCAST_KEYBOARD = "BROADCAST_EVENT/KEYBOARD_EVENT"; // Output barcode data via broadcast and clipboard simulate. public static final String BROADCAST_CLIPBOARD = "BROADCAST_EVENT/CLIPBOARD_EVENT"; } Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setOutputMethod(OutputMethod.CLIPBOARD); Config barcode output event notification ======================================== Use the following API to config type of notification when scan success. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setSuccessNotification(String notification); All types of notifications defined in the class NotificationType. .. code:: java public class NotificationType { public static final String MUTE = "Mute"; public static final String SOUND = "Sound"; public static final String VIBRATOR = "Vib"; public static final String SOUND_VIBRATOR = "Sound/Vib"; } Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setSuccessNotification(NotificationType.SOUND); Config barcode scan LED indicator ================================= Use the following API to enable or disable scan LED indicator. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.enableSuccessIndicator(boolean enabled); Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.enableSuccessIndicator(true); // Enable LED indicator. XcBarcodeScanner.enableSuccessIndicator(false); // Disable LED indicator. Config scan time limit ====================== Use the following API to config scan time limitation. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTimeout(int seconds); The range of time limitation: 1 ~ 9 seconds。 Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTimeout(5); // Set scan time limit to 5 seconds. Config aimer light ================== Use the following API to config aimer light work mode. .. code:: java void setAimerLightsMode(int aimMode); Aimer light work mode defined in the class *AimerMode* : .. code:: java public class AimerMode { public static int ALWAYS_OFF; // Always Off. public static int TRIGGER_ON; // TurnOn while scanning. public static int ALWAYS_ON; // Always On. } Sample code: .. code:: java // Set aimer mode to: Turn on while scanning. XcBarcodeScanner.setAimerLightsMode(AimerMode.TRIGGER_ON); // Set aimer mode to: always off. XcBarcodeScanner.setAimerLightsMode(AimerMode.ALWAYS_OFF); .. warning:: For laser aimer, DO NOT USE THE *ALWAYS_ON* mode. Config illume light =================== Use the following API to config illume light work mode. .. code:: java void setFlashLightsMode(int flashMode); The work mode of illume light defined in class *FlashMode* : .. code:: java public class FlashMode { public static int OFF; // Always off. public static int ILLUME_ONLY; // Only illume. public static int ILLUME_STROBE; // Illume and Strobe. } Sample code: .. code:: java // Set illume to: illume and strobe XcBarcodeScanner.setFlashLightsMode(FlashMode.ILLUME_STROBE); // Set illume to: illume only XcBarcodeScanner.setFlashLightsMode(FlashMode.ILLUME_ONLY); .. note:: The illume light only turn on while scanning, the *STROBE* will output FLASH light which sync with image sensor shutter. Config scan result text case switch =================================== Use the following API to config case switch of scan result. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTextCase(String textCase); All case options defined in the class TextCaseType. .. code:: java public class TextCaseType { public static final String NONE = "NONE_CASE"; public static final String UPPER = "UPPER_CASE"; public static final String LOWER = "LOWER_CASE"; } Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTextCase(TextCaseType.NONE); // No case switch. XcBarcodeScanner.setTextCase(TextCaseType.UPPER); // Switch to Uppercase. XcBarcodeScanner.setTextCase(TextCaseType.LOWER); // Switch to Lowercase. Config prefix of barcode result =============================== Use the following API to config prefix of barcode result. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTextPrefix(String prefix); XcBarcodeScanner.setTextPrefix2(String prefix2); Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTextPrefix("<"); // Config prefix as "<" XcBarcodeScanner.setTextPrefix2(":"); // Config prefix2 as ":" XcBarcodeScanner.setTextPrefix("Empty"); // Config prefix None. Config suffix of barcode result =============================== Use the following API to config suffix of barcode result. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTextSuffix(String suffix); XcBarcodeScanner.setTextSuffix2(String suffix2); Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setTextSuffix(">"); // Config suffix as ">" XcBarcodeScanner.setTextSuffix2(":"); // Config suffix2 as ":" XcBarcodeScanner.setTextSuffix("Empty"); // Config suffix None. Config interval of loopscan =========================== Use the following API to config interval of loopscan. .. code:: java setLoopScanInterval(int ms); Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setLoopScanInterval(100); // Config interval of loopscan as 100 ms. Get running status of loopscan ============================== Use the following API to get running status of loopscan. .. code:: java boolean isLoopScanRunning(); Start/Stop loopscan =================== Use the following API to start or stop loopscan. .. code:: java startLoopScan(); stopLoopScan(); Sample code: .. code:: java // Start loopscan. XcBarcodeScanner.setLoopScanInterval(100); // Set loopscan interval to 100 ms XcBarcodeScanner.startLoopScan(); // start loopscan. // Stop loopscan if (XcBarcodeScanner.isLoopScanRunning()) { // Check if loopscan is running. XcBarcodeScanner.stopLoopScan(); // stop loopscan. } Config multibarcodes ==================== Use the following API to config multibarcodes options. .. code:: java void setMultiBarcodes(int numberOfBarcodes, boolean fixedNumber); The parameters: .. code:: text numberOfBarcodes - Max barcodes in one shot. range: 1 ~ 20 fixedNumber - true means fixed number of barcodes. false means non-fixed. .. note:: Fixed number of barcodes means it will not output till the numberOfBarcodes barcodes been scanned. non-Fixed means it will output barcodes been scanned, it may smaller or equal to the numberOfBarcodes. Sample code: .. code:: java // Config numberOfBarcodes to 3, and be fixedNumber. XcBarcodeScanner.setMultiBarcodes(3, true); // Config numberOfBarcodes to 1 XcBarcodeScanner.setMultiBarcodes(1, false); .. note:: if the numberOfBarcodes been set to 1, it is single barcode mode, the fixedNumber option is meaningless. Config region size of barcode scan ================================== Use the following API to config the region size of barcode scanning. The typical usage is 1D barcode precise scanning. .. code:: java void setScanRegionSize(int regionSize); All supported region size defined in class RegionSizeType: .. code:: java public class RegionSizeType { public static final int VIEWSIZE_100 = 0; // 100% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_75 = 1; // 75% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_50 = 2; // 50% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_25 = 3; // 25% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_12 = 4; // 12% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_6 = 5; // 6% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_3 = 6; // 3% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_1 = 7; // 1% frame region. public static final int VIEWSIZE_1D = 8; // 1D barcode region. } Sample code: .. code:: java // Config scan region to 1D barcode region. XcBarcodeScanner.setScanRegionSize(RegionSizeType.VIEWSIZE_1D); // Config barcode scan region to max region. (All 100% of framne) XcBarcodeScanner.setScanRegionSize(RegionSizeType.VIEWSIZE_100); .. note:: if enabled multibarcodes and numberOfBarcodes more than 1, it is recommend to use 100% region of frame. Get the last one decode image ============================= Use the following API to get the last image to decode. .. code:: java XCImage getLastDecodeImage(); The XCImage is the image class object retured. Sample code: .. code:: java import com.tools.XCImage; public void getLastImage() { XCImage lastImg=XcBarcodeScanner.getLastDecodeImage(); if(lastImg!=null){ String infoStr= "Witdh: " + lastImg.getWidth() + ", "; infoStr += "Height: " + lastImg.getHeight() + ", "; infoStr += "Stride: " + lastImg.getStride() + ", "; infoStr += "Size: " + lastImg.getData().length + " Bytes"; showAlertDialog("Image Info:",infoStr,false,"OK",null); }else{ showAlertDialog("Image Info:","No image!",false,"OK",null); } } Set custom BroadcastReceiver ============================= Use the following API to configure the Action and Key for custom broadcasts. After successful configuration, the scan result can be received through the broadcast. .. code:: java void setScanResultBroadcast(String action, String resultKey); Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setScanResultBroadcast("xxx.Action", "scanResultKey"); Disable/Enable Scan button ========================== Due to differences in device design, the currently supported scanning buttons are: left side scanning button/right side scanning button/front scanning button/handheld handle scanning button. After disabling the scanning button function, pressing the scanning button will prevent scanning; After enabling the scanning button function, the button will restore the scanning function. .. code:: java void setFrontScanKeyEnable(boolean isEnable); // front scanning button void setLeftScanKeyEnable(boolean isEnable); // left side scanning button void setRightScanKeyEnable(boolean isEnable); // right side scanning button void setPoGoScanKeyEnable(boolean isEnable); // handheld handle scanning button Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setFrontScanKeyEnable(false); // Disable front scanning button XcBarcodeScanner.setFrontScanKeyEnable(true); // Enable front scanning button Export configuration file ========================= Export the currently used configuration file to the specified directory. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.exportSettings(String exportPath); The format of the exported file must be of XML type, and the file name can only contain letters and numbers.Sample code: .. code:: java String exportPath=Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+"/Scanner.xml"; // Export the configuration file to sdcard and rename it to Scanner.xml XcBarcodeScanner.exportSettings(exportPath); Import configuration file ========================= You can use the configuration files in the specified directory through the interface provided by the SDK. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.importSettingsByProfileName(String profileName, String importPath); .. note:: The configuration file name can only contain letters and numbers. And the configuration file must be exported through the "XcBarcodeScanner. exportSettings" interface. Sample code: .. code:: java String fileName = "Scanner"; // The file name cannot contain type suffix String importPath=Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+"/Scanner.xml"; XcBarcodeScanner.importSettingsByProfileName(fileName, importPath); Configure barcode output failure event notification =================================================== Use the following API to config type of notification when scan failed. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setFailNotification(String notification); All types of notifications defined in the class NotificationType. .. code:: java public class NotificationType { public static final String MUTE = "Mute"; public static final String SOUND = "Sound"; public static final String VIBRATOR = "Vib"; public static final String SOUND_VIBRATOR = "Sound/Vib"; } Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setFailNotification(NotificationType.MUTE); XcBarcodeScanner.setFailNotification(NotificationType.SOUND); Configure flash brightness ========================== Use the following API to config flash brightness. .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setStrobeLightBrightness(int brightness); All types of brightness defined in the class StrobeLightBrightness. .. code:: java public class StrobeLightBrightness { public static int FULL_BRIGHTNESS = 4; public static int MEDIUM_BRIGHTNESS = 7; public static int WEAK_BRIGHTNESS = 5; public static int WEAKEST_BRIGHTNESS = 6; } Sample code: .. code:: java XcBarcodeScanner.setStrobeLightBrightness(StrobeLightBrightness.WEAK_BRIGHTNESS); Get barcode properties ====================== Use the following API to get barcode properties. .. code:: java int getDecoderTagValue(int tag); The properties that support queries are defined in the XCBarcodeTag class: .. code:: java public class XCBarcodeTag { // Code39 // Check digit options. // 0:Disable Check Digit // 1:Enable Check Digit and No Output // 2:Enable Check Digit and Output public static final int TAG_CODE39_CHECK_DIGIT_MODE = 0x1A016004; // Transmit start/stop char. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_CODE39_START_STOP_TRANSMIT = 0x1A016007; // Code 39 Full ASCII. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_CODE39_FULL_ASCII_ENABLED = 0x1A016006; // Code39 Base32 decode. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_CODE39_BASE32_ENABLED = 0x1A016008; // Maximum length(1-127). // The range of values is integers from 1 to 127. public static final int TAG_CODE39_MAX_LENGTH = 0x1A016003; // Minimum length(1-127). // The range of values is integers from 1 to 127. public static final int TAG_CODE39_MIN_LENGTH = 0x1A016002; // DataMatrix // With Separators. // 1:display;0:hide public static final int TAG_DATAMATRIX_SEPARATOR_ENABLED = 0x1A029004; // Max out length (0: no limit). // An integer greater than or equal to 0, where 0 indicates no restriction. public static final int TAG_DATAMATRIX_OUTPUT_MAX_LENGTH = 0x1A029005; // EAN-8 // Transmit check digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT = 0x1A012002; // 2 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A012003; // 5 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A012004; // Addenda Required. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_ADDENDA_REQUIRED = 0x1A012005; // Addenda add Separator. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_ADDENDA_SEPARATOR = 0x1A012006; // EAN-13 // Transmit check digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT = 0x1A013002; // 2 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A013003; // 5 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A013004; // Addenda Required. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_ADDENDA_REQUIRED = 0x1A013005; // Addenda add Separator.1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_ADDENDA_SEPARATOR = 0x1A013006; // Matrix 2 of 5 // Check digit options. // 0:Disable Check Digit // 1:Enable Check Digit and Output // 2:Enable Check Digit and No Output public static final int TAG_M25_CHECK_DIGIT_MODE = 0x1A01C004; // UPC-A // Transmit check digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT = 0x1A010002; // Number system digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_NUMBER_SYSTEM_TRANSMIT = 0x1A010003; // 2 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A010004; // 5 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A010005; // Addenda Required. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_ADDENDA_REQUIRED = 0x1A010006; // Addenda add Separator. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_ADDENDA_SEPARATOR = 0x1A010007; // Convert to EAN13. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_ADD_COUNTRY_CODE = 0x1A010008; } Sample code: .. code:: java // This method is used to check if stripping of //EAN-13 check digit in decoded data is enabled. // 1:enable;0:disable int checkSumDef = XcBarcodeScanner .getDecoderTagValue(XCBarcodeTag.TAG_EAN13_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT); // Returns the constant of this type with the specified name. // 1:Enable Check Digit and Output;2:Enable Check Digit and No Output. int checkDigitDef = XcBarcodeScanner .getDecoderTagValue(XCBarcodeTag.TAG_M25_CHECK_DIGIT_MODE); // This method is used to enable/disable decoding of 2-digit supplemental code for UPC-A. // 1:enable;0:disable int twoAddonDef = XcBarcodeScanner .getDecoderTagValue(XCBarcodeTag.TAG_UPCA_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED); Set barcode properties ====================== Use the following API to set barcode properties. .. code:: java void setDecoderTag(int tag, int value); The properties that support queries are defined in the XCBarcodeTag class: .. code:: java public class XCBarcodeTag { // Code39 // Check digit options. // 0:Disable Check Digit // 1:Enable Check Digit and No Output // 2:Enable Check Digit and Output public static final int TAG_CODE39_CHECK_DIGIT_MODE = 0x1A016004; // Transmit start/stop char. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_CODE39_START_STOP_TRANSMIT = 0x1A016007; // Code 39 Full ASCII. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_CODE39_FULL_ASCII_ENABLED = 0x1A016006; // Code39 Base32 decode. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_CODE39_BASE32_ENABLED = 0x1A016008; // Maximum length(1-127). // The range of values is integers from 1 to 127. public static final int TAG_CODE39_MAX_LENGTH = 0x1A016003; // Minimum length(1-127). // The range of values is integers from 1 to 127. public static final int TAG_CODE39_MIN_LENGTH = 0x1A016002; // DataMatrix // With Separators. // 1:display;0:hide public static final int TAG_DATAMATRIX_SEPARATOR_ENABLED = 0x1A029004; // Max out length (0: no limit). // An integer greater than or equal to 0, where 0 indicates no restriction. public static final int TAG_DATAMATRIX_OUTPUT_MAX_LENGTH = 0x1A029005; // EAN-8 // Transmit check digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT = 0x1A012002; // 2 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A012003; // 5 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A012004; // Addenda Required. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_ADDENDA_REQUIRED = 0x1A012005; // Addenda add Separator. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN8_ADDENDA_SEPARATOR = 0x1A012006; // EAN-13 // Transmit check digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT = 0x1A013002; // 2 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A013003; // 5 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A013004; // Addenda Required. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_ADDENDA_REQUIRED = 0x1A013005; // Addenda add Separator.1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_EAN13_ADDENDA_SEPARATOR = 0x1A013006; // Matrix 2 of 5 // Check digit options. // 0:Disable Check Digit // 1:Enable Check Digit and Output // 2:Enable Check Digit and No Output public static final int TAG_M25_CHECK_DIGIT_MODE = 0x1A01C004; // UPC-A // Transmit check digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT = 0x1A010002; // Number system digit. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_NUMBER_SYSTEM_TRANSMIT = 0x1A010003; // 2 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A010004; // 5 Digit Addenda. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_5CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED = 0x1A010005; // Addenda Required. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_ADDENDA_REQUIRED = 0x1A010006; // Addenda add Separator. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_ADDENDA_SEPARATOR = 0x1A010007; // Convert to EAN13. // 1:enable;0:disable public static final int TAG_UPCA_ADD_COUNTRY_CODE = 0x1A010008; } Sample code: .. code:: java // This method is used to enable/disable stripping of EAN-13 check digit in decoded data. // 1:enable;0:disable XcBarcodeScanner.setDecoderTag(XCBarcodeTag.TAG_EAN13_CHECK_DIGIT_TRANSMIT, 1); // This method is used to set the optional checksum setting of // Symbologies.Matrix2of5Properties to the decoder. // 0:Disable Check Digit // 1:Enable Check Digit and Output // 2:Enable Check Digit and No Output. XcBarcodeScanner.setDecoderTag(XCBarcodeTag.TAG_M25_CHECK_DIGIT_MODE, 2); // This method is used to enable/disable decoding of 2-digit supplemental code for UPC-A. // 1:enable;0:disable XcBarcodeScanner.setDecoderTag(XCBarcodeTag.TAG_UPCA_2CHAR_ADDENDA_ENABLED, 0); Get scan trigger mode ===================== Use the following API to get scan trigger mode. .. code:: java String getScanTriggerMode(); The properties that support queries are defined in the ScanTriggerMode class: .. code:: java public class ScanTriggerMode { public static final String STOP_ON_RELEASE = "SYNC"; //Stop on release public static final String STOP_ON_TIMEOUT = "TIMEOUT"; //Stop on timeout } Sample code: .. code:: java String defMode = XcBarcodeScanner.getScanTriggerMode(); Set scan trigger mode ===================== Use the following API to set scan trigger mode. .. code:: java void setScanTriggerMode(String val); The properties that support queries are defined in the ScanTriggerMode class: .. code:: java public class ScanTriggerMode { public static final String STOP_ON_RELEASE = "SYNC"; //Stop on release public static final String STOP_ON_TIMEOUT = "TIMEOUT"; //Stop on timeout } Sample code: .. code:: java //set the scan trigger mode to stop on release XcBarcodeScanner.setScanTriggerMode(ScanTriggerMode.STOP_ON_RELEASE); //set the scan trigger mode to stop on timeout XcBarcodeScanner.setScanTriggerMode(ScanTriggerMode.STOP_ON_TIMEOUT);